DSI Ringvorlesung: Society on the Move – The Digital Transformation of Mobility
From PGRP_DSI.uzh.ch
From PGRP_DSI.uzh.ch
Armin Curt, Full Professor, Ordinarius for Paraplegiology, University of Zurich
Host: Prof. Dr. Jess Snedeker, Institute for Biomechanics, University of Zurich / ETH Zurich
While activity is a favored buzz word in the public associated with health benefits (10.000 steps a day keeps the doctor away) the true envisioned guidance for healthy subjects and even more problematic for patients is rather vague. The challenges range from technical aspects (what counts we measure, how to collect, when to record) to the appropriate targeting of subjects and their specific needs (personalized approaches). The latter becomes easily obvious when to consider the most appropriate applications and most sensitive readouts in patients suffering from diverse medical disorders (musculoskeletal, cardio-vascular, neurologic…). Being intensively monitored, however, is also inevitably breaching personal privacy and the balance between high data sensitivity and protected data privacy requires a solid understanding and high specificity of proposed recordings. ZurichMOVE accepts this multifaceted challenge and is well embedded to approach the diverse aspects within the UZH Digital Society Initiative.
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