DSI Ringvorlesung: Society on the Move – The Digital Transformation of Mobility
From PGRP_DSI.uzh.ch
From PGRP_DSI.uzh.ch
Pantelis Poulakis, ExoMars Rover Mobility System Engineer, European Space Agency, Automation & Robotics Section (Netherlands)
Host: Dr. Javier Hidalgo Carrio, Department of Informatics, University of Zurich
The ExoMars Rosalind Franklin rover will be the first European rover to land on Mars in 2023 and its goal will be to look for signs of past life down to 2m depth with its novel drill system. The mobility subsystem is usually the largest and heaviest subsystem of a planetary rover, and has to meet the ever-conflicting space engineering requirements: good performance on rough terrain, durable, highly foldable to fit the lander while being lightweight and power efficient. The rover packs numerous novelties in its mobility subsystem, such as simple but performant suspension design, highly flexible metallic wheels, high maneuverability from its 6x6 driving & steering wheels, and a unique wheel-walking capability that will allow it to overcome the most challenging and dangerous sand dune fields. In this talk we will have a look at the ExoMars mission and its unique research potential, and dive deeper in the design and testing of the mobility subsystem.
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