Ideas for functional computational models, Presenter: Angel P. del Pobil
Bringing Innovation to the Market, Presenter: Andrea Bertolini
Embodied AI and Soft robotics: towards animal like intelligence?, Presenter: Fabio Bonsignorio et al.
Presenter: Nicola Vitiello
Industrial Challenges and Opportunities, Presenter: Fabio Bonsignorio
Presenter: Alexander Schmitz
Morphological Computation, Self-Organization of Behaviors, Presenter: Fabio Bonsignorio
Perspective and its implications when designing for others, Presenter: Christopher P. Lueg
Presenter: Antonio Chella
Embodied AI and Soft robotics, Presenter: Fabio Bonsignorio
"Surprise Lecture", Presenter: Fabio Bonsignorio
Developmental Robotics: Language, Presenter: Anthony Morse
Presenter: Florian Röhrbein