Wave propagation, Huygen"s principle, interference, refraction, diffraction, wave-particle duality, Presenter: Ben Kilminster
Electric potential energy, Photoelectric effect, Planck constant measurement, Presenter: Ben Kilminster
Thermal energy from EM radiation, Stefan"s law, Black body, Raleight-Jeans law, UV catastrophe, Presenter: Ben Kilminster
General relativity:non inertial ref frames,gravitational shift in frequency and time,black holes, Presenter: Ben Kilminster
Trensverse relativistic doppler effect;momentum and energy transforms,mass energy equivalence, Presenter: Ben Kilminster
Lorentz invariants, spacetime interval, space or time -like events, Doppler effect, Presenter: Ben Kilminster
Trasforms of shapes, time, velocity, momentum, Presenter: Ben Kilminster
Special relativity,Lorentz transforms,Twin paradox, Cosmic rays, Time dilation Distance contraction, Presenter: Ben Kilminster
Special relativityGalilean transforms,Speed of lightMichelson experimentEinstein"s postulates, Presenter: Ben Kilminster
Standing sound wave, Fundamental interactions in nature (gravitational, electroweak, strong ),, Presenter: Ben Kilminster
Wave propagation, speed of waves on ropes, standing wave and resonances, sound, Presenter: Ben Kilminster
Torricelli"s law, Venturi"s effect, surface tension, capillarity,viscous fluids,Reynold"s number, Presenter: Ben Kilminster
Pressure in fluids,Pascal"s principle, Archimedes" principle, Buoyant force, Bernoulli "s equation, Presenter: Ben Kilminsteri
Thermodynamics: Ideal gas law, work and internal energy of gas per degree of freedom, Presenter: Ban Kilminster
Parallel axis theorem for momentum of inertia, levers and torques, kinetic rotational energy, Presenter: Ben Kilminster
Gravitational force, Torque and angulare mumentum, Cavendish experiment, Presenter: Ben Kilminster