Probeklausur 2016, Presenter: Prof. U. Woitek
Public Lecture, Presenter: Prof. Dr. Kjell G. Nyborg
Geldreform -- Weltreform, Presenter: Prof. Urs Birchler
Climate Change and Financial Complexity, Presenter: Joseph E. Stiglitz
Financial laboratory, Presenter:
In Zusammenarbeit mit der Stadtpolizei Zürich, Presenter: Information Management Research Group
Sensitivity, Presenter: Willi Brammertz
Going Concern, Presenter: Willi Brammertz
Value and Income, Presenter: Willi Brammertz
Behavior, Events and Liquidity, Presenter: Willi Brammertz
Markets and Counterparties, Presenter: Willi Brammertz
Intro and Contract Types, Presenter: Willi Brammertz
Vorlesung 25, Presenter: Andreas Steinhauer
Vorlesung 24, Presenter: Christian Hepenstrick