Search for tag: "ai lab"

Omnidirectional-Vision-Based Navigation

A Ground and a Flying Robot Perspective, Presenter: Davide Scaramuzza

From  Nathan Labhart 0 plays 0  

Evolution and Learning in Game Theory:

How do agents learn in complex cooperative situations?, Presenter: Heinrich Harald Nax

From  PGRP_MELS-Owner-unknown 1 plays 0  

Evolution and Learning in Game Theory:

How do agents learn in complex cooperative situations?, Presenter: Heinrich Harald Nax

From  PGRP_MELS-Owner-unknown 1 plays 0  

Lecture 6

Artificial Neural Networks, Presenter: Rolf Pfeifer

From  PGRP_MELS-Owner-unknown 0 plays 0  

An Informational Perspective on Embodiment

Presenter: Daniel Polani

From  Nathan Labhart 1 plays 0  

Self-organization of robot behavior

by self-structuring dynamical information, Presenter: Ralf Der

From  Nathan Labhart 0 plays 0  

[UNPUBLISHED] The Homme Machine of the 21st century

Presenter: Marlen Jank

From  Nathan Labhart 0 plays 0  

Theoretical Foundations for Morphological Computation

Presenter: Helmut Hauser

From  Nathan Labhart 1 plays 0  

A Breeding Tool for Abstract Animations

and its Application, Presenter: Tatsuo Unemi

From  Nathan Labhart 0 plays 0  

MEME Actuators

Creating virtual mechanisms in real robots using modular compliant actuators, Presenter: Bill Bigge

From  Nathan Labhart 1 plays 0  

Mobiligence: Emergence of Adaptive Motor Function

Through Interaction among Body, Brain and Environment, Presenter: Hajime Asama

From  Nathan Labhart 0 plays 0  

The Cognitive Architecture of Motor Action

Building Blocks of Performance in Memory and Brain, Presenter: Thomas Schack

From  Nathan Labhart 1 plays 0  

Learning a peripersonal space representation for a humanoid robot

Presenter: Micha Hersch

From  Nathan Labhart 0 plays 0  

Hybrid Ecosystems

Intelligence, Awareness and Perception, Presenter: Andy Gracie

From  Nathan Labhart 1 plays 0  

Towards the realistic simulation of complex fluidic systems

Decomposition strategies, Presenter: Gustavo C. Buscaglia

From  Nathan Labhart 1 plays 0  

Acquiring multimodal representation of the face and arm

Presenter: Sawa Fuke

From  Nathan Labhart 0 plays 0