How the body shapes the way we think - principles and insights, Presenter: Rolf Pfeifer
Evolution: Cognition from scratch, Presenter: Rolf Peifer
and: How humans can shape the way robots move, Presenter: Aude Billard
How the Body Shapes the Way We Think, Presenter: Rolf Pfeifer, Nathan Labhart
Presenter: Jose del R. Millán
Where is Human Memory?, Presenter: Rolf Pfeifer et al.
Collective Intelligence: Cognition from Interaction, Presenter: Rolf Pfeifer et al.
Presenter: Francesco Mondada
A new generation of humanoid robots, Presenter: Pascal Kaufmann
Presenter: Dario Floreano
Cognition as Computation, Presenter: Rolf Pfeifer
Welcome. Intelligence: An Eternal Conundrum, Presenter: Rolf Pfeifer, Nathan Labhart
A methodological reflection, Presenter: Edoardo Datteri
A Ground and a Flying Robot Perspective, Presenter: Davide Scaramuzza